Seek First the Kingdom of God, Then…
Seek First the Kingdom of God, Then…
This was written in 2007 by some colleagues of mine. I am even mentioned in passing when they say they have members from Japan. That’s me.
A was raised in Communist Poland and living a life for Jesus is completely different from the culture in which she grew up with.
B was raised in a wealthy Hindu family in South Africa. When he gave his life to the Lord, he told Him, ‘Okay, I’m going to give my life to serve you, but the instant I miss one meal or can’t provide for my family (in the future), I’m out!’
Like I said, this was written in 2007. Now in 2025, I heard they’re still going strong for the Lord!
One Million Kilometers of Mission Work On African Soil
By B & A, Botswana
Does God supply? Does He take care of His own? Is the day of miracles past? Is it possible to launch out and pioneer a Home in the Kalahari Desert with only crazy faith, the will to obey, no diplomas or qualifications, no seminary training, just the printed Word? Yes! Our team did just that.
We are just your average “Joe and Samantha,” and have our problems just as anyone else. And yet Jesus with His powerful love, understanding, protection, and supply did the miracles through us.
We arrived in Botswana in 1996 with six dollars, an eight-month old baby, and another on the way, one blanket, and a car. We had no place to call home, and we were literally pilgrims and strangers. All we had was crazy faith, a prophecy, and a belief that we’d better obey God rather than man. I remember it as if it happened yesterday. Some people laughed at our plans and asked what on earth we planned to accomplish in the barren desert. After all, “The Kalahari Desert is no place to raise your kids,” we were told.
And yet, on our first day in Gaborone, Botswana, we met a sweet Scotsman, whose parents had been missionaries in China, and he put us up in his 3-star hotel for two weeks, as well as took care of our meals.
After two weeks we managed to acquire a two-bedroom apartment. The place had no water, no electricity, no curtains, and barely any furniture. We wondered if this was really where God wanted us. Once when we invited some contacts to our Home, we sat on wooden crates as we fellowshipped, as this was our only furniture. But the Lord continued to do His little miracles to prove that where He guided He would supply.
Soon, a German missionary donated a bed to us and delivered it to our door. A sweet Sri Lankan family were so touched by our life of faith that they began making a meal for us every week. To this day, 11 years later, they are still our friends and support the Family in Botswana.
This was the beginning of our wonderful life as missionaries in Africa. We have now been in Botswana 11 years and still love every minute of it! Jesus has never failed in any of His promises to us. We now have a beautiful seven-bedroom house for our 21 Home members (including children). Our property has a pool, a lovely garden, and two dogs. We even have a little helper from Heaven, our daughter Sonia Sunita, who passed on in October 2005, at 16 months old. Our family has grown to seven children.
When we first opened our mission base here, we worked on cultivating pledgers. At the beginning, some of them only helped with as little as four dollars a month. In fact, our largest pledge was five dollars. But we faithfully went to pick up these pledges each month and kept pouring into these wonderful African people, and now some of these same pledgers are our biggest supporters and faithfully tithe.
Our mission base now has folks from all areas of the world: Russia, Poland, India, USA, UK, Scotland, Japan, as well as African disciples. Life for the Lord is far from dull; we bank on Jesus every single day and have a blast at it. This is the life which we have chosen, and excitement is the order of the day.
A few stats
To date the amount of products that have gone out here in Botswana is astronomical. [Editor: Consider that the population of Botswana is only 1.7 million.]
* CDs: 25,000
* Posters: 450,000 [Editor: One for every four Botswanans!]
* CD cards: 45,000
* Mottos: 30,000
* Videos: 20,000
* Bibles: 90,000
* Books: 65,000
* Activated mags: 75,000
* Activated subs: 450
* Tracts: 1,000,000
* Reflections: 10,000
* Food distribute has amounted to US$500,000 in cash terms. And in the process we have covered 1,000,000 kilometers of African soil using 150,000 liters of fuel, which would cost over US$100,000.–All of this without a salary or wage. God is still on the throne and prayer changes things.
A few facts for fun
* Botswana has more cars than people.
* Botswana has more cattle than humans.
* Botswana is home to the world’s largest diamond mines.
* Kasane, a little village at the far north of Botswana, has 45,000 elephants.
* The Chobe River in Kasane goes into Zimbabwe and Zambia and becomes the Zambezi River, and the famous Victoria Falls.
* David Livingstone found diamonds in Botswana and discarded them for the heavenly vision as he saw something greater in Christ.
* Botswana received its independence in 1966 from the British and the following year diamonds were discovered.
* Guns are outlawed (even the police do not carry guns), and we have a stable and peaceful country.
* Due to the desert climate, Gaborone, the capital, has 46 car washes.
What a fascinating testimony! God bless the. True missionaries.