Copy, Test, Prove

Testing and Proving the Scriptures 

Open notebook with a smartphone and laptop on a wooden desk, creating a contemporary workspace vibe.

The Journey Starts Here…

How few there are after all who are like the other dear Saint of God in whose home the minister was taking tea. While she was in the kitchen he picked up her much-worn Bible and rather absently began to turn the leaves, when he noticed here and there along the margins these two letters, T.P. When she came back in the room with the tea he said, “Auntie, I was enjoying looking in your Bible, but what do these letters mean, that you have written here so many places? T.P. and here it is again, T.P., and here.” “Oh, Brother,” she said, her face lighting with joy, “that means TRIED and PROVEN! In the time of some great need I have taken those promises and claimed them as my very own. They are the ones that I have TRIED and proven TRUE!”

This is how it all started…

I can never forget the day when it dawned upon my consciousness as a reality, a FACT, that the promises of the Bible were PRACTICAL, and could actually be APPLIED to my everyday needs. It was a revelation to me! I had been taught the Bible since earliest childhood, but never had I realized that God meant exactly what He said in the numerous promises given in His Word, and that He would fulfill them to the very letter if my faith would reach out and claim them in a definite manner.
God’s Word says, “Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the World through lust.”–2 Peter 1:4. So it is a very serious matter to either overlook or look lightly at the promises of God, because by these we become “partakers of the divine nature.” Before, I would never have dared to have taken a promise and stepped out on it, expecting God to really meet me, for to my limited faith and knowledge they were only beautiful Scripture language, never meant to be taken seriously or for practical application.

The Lord intends for us to use them in our time of need. “Prove Me now herewith, saith the Lord”, until with strength, faith, and sweet confidence we can write on the margin beside many a verse, “Tried and Proven”!

–Renowned evangelist, revivalist, and author Virginia Brandt Berg (1886-1968)

The Concept Behind This Site

Copy – Test – Prove was a very quick and effective method of helping children to spell and memorize new words. It used to be part of the western English curriculum till the early ’60s.

Rule up each child’s writing book into four columns. Head each column respectively: WORD, COPY, TEST, PROVE
Write new words vertically in the WORD column. Read each word aloud, slowly and clearly, and have the child repeat it back.
Taking one word at a time, the child copies the new word into the COPY column.
Cover both the WORD and COPY columns with something and they can test themselves to see if they can write the word from memory. PROVE is the final test, so cover all previous columns.

This method should be fully completed on only one word at at time. When only one word is concentrated on at a time, the degree of success will be greater. Use this method only when a child is active and mentally alert. If they are tired, or become tired from trying to do too much, they will lose their concentration and will gain little or nothing.​

— Tips and Points to Remember


Now what…?

Many of us who have been on the Straight and Narrow Path have had an opportunity (or many) to see the Lord fulfill His many promises. There are many websites that have commentaries and explanations for verses, but I thought it would be a good idea to have a place to collect personal testimonies from people in many different countries, ages, gender, etc. to show that the Lord is not limited by many or by few. (1 Samuel 14:6)

For Those Who Have Proven the Word

Help to encourage others’ faith and add to our collection. Please include Bible reference, age, gender, country and/or continent. Email me at copytestprove @ gmail . com

For Those Who Have a Need to Prove

Everyone is tentative when trying something new and there is no shame in that. Feel free to look around to see if there’s something that catches your interest and try one thing at a time. If you have a situation that is not already covered, let me know and I’ll do my best to find and post something relevant.